Dr. Kassell is the founder & chairman of the Focused Ultrasound Foundation and former Co-Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia. He has published more than 500 scientific papers and book chapters, and his research has been supported by over $30 million in NIH and industry grants and contracts. A member of numerous medical societies in the US and abroad, he has served on many standing and ad hoc committees of the NIH and in an editorial capacity for a variety of academic journals. In April 2016, he was named to the Blue Ribbon Panel of Vice President Joe Biden's Cancer Moonshot Initiative. Dr. Kassell is a founder of numerous private ventures including Interax, Inc.; the Virginia Neurological Institute; Multimedia Medical Systems, Inc.; the Neuroclinical Trials Center; the NeuroVenture Fund; and MedSpecialists.net. He has served on several corporate and not-for-profit boards, including Eclypsis Corporation; INC Research; the Prostate Cancer Foundation; Insightec, Ltd.; the Expedition Trust Company; Tuesday Evening Concert Series and VA National Bank, and is currently a director of the FUS Foundation. Dr. Kassell received his undergraduate and medical education at the University of PA.