Major Garrett

Chief Washington Correspondent, CBS News

Major Garrett was named CBS News' chief Washington correspondent in December 2018. As chief Washington correspondent, Garrett reports for all CBS News broadcasts and platforms. Garrett is also the host of 'The Takeout,' a weekly multi-platform interview show on politics, policy and pop culture available on CBSN, top radio stations across the country, and all podcast platforms. From 2012 until 2018, Garrett served as the Network's chief White House correspondent. While covering the White House for CBS News, Garrett reported extensively on presidential actions to confront ISIS, Ebola, and nuclear negotiations with Iran. In 2015-2016, Garrett spent 16 months on the road covering the Republican presidential campaign, including every GOP debate, both major party conventions and every day of the general election. Garrett is the author of four books: "Common Cents," with former Rep. Tim Penny (D-Minnesota) Little, Brown Publisher, 1995; 'The 15 Biggest Lies in Politics,' St. Martin's 1999; 'The Enduring Revolution,' Crown Forum 2005 and and 'Mr. Trump's Wild Ride,' St. Martin's, 2018. Garrett graduated in 1984 from the University of Missouri with degrees in journalism and political science. Visit Barnes & Noble to learn more about Major Garrett's latest book Mr. Trump's Wild Ride: The Thrills, Chills, Screams, and Occasional Blackouts of an Extraordinary Presidency.