Jayne O'Donnell is the health policy reporter for USA TODAY and co-founder of the nonprofit Urban Health Media Project, which trains high school students of color to do multimedia health and social issue reporting. At USA TODAY - where she's worked since 1993 - Jayne's non-COVID reporting focuses primarily on patient safety, mental health, addiction and other problems that lead to 'deaths of despair.' Jayne is also a frequent contributor to TV and radio shows. She has appeared on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and C-Span and been published in Woman's Day, Good Housekeeping and Parents. Along with public interest and safety group awards, Jayne won the Detroit Press Foundation's first-place award in 1997 for her work exposing the dangers air bags posed to children. (USA TODAY nominated the work, and a later series on teen driving deaths, for the Pulitzer Prize.) Her air bag reporting is widely credited with prompting the government's actions to make them safer, including the "smart" air bags and warning labels in every new vehicle. A graduate of University of Maryland's College of Journalism, Jayne did graduate work at George Washington University.