As CEO of I AM ALS, Danielle provides strategic leadership and management to this patient-led, patient-centric community that is reshaping public understanding of this disease, providing key resources to the community, and creating opportunities for patients to lead the fight against ALS and search for cures. Danielle was the vice president of the Biden Cancer Initiative, where she led organizational, program, policy, and partnership development. With more than six years in the White House, Danielle leveraged her technical scientific expertise to develop programs and policies to make progress on Administration goals. She was integral in developing and managing the execution of the goals for the Cancer Moonshot, project-led multiple White House Science Fairs and the White House Cancer Moonshot Summit, led Computer Science for All and diversity in STEM initiatives, and contributed to signature reports and recommendation implementation from the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Danielle earned her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Georgetown University and B.S. in Biochemistry at Boston College.