Chellie Pingree

US Representative, Maine

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree represents Maine's 1st District and is a national leader in food policy. She started her career as an organic farmer in the 1970s and has been engaged in food system reform ever since. In Congress, Chellie is an advocate for reforming federal policy to better support the diverse range of American agriculture-including sustainable, organic, and locally focused farming. As a member of the House Agriculture Committee and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, she continues to make food policy reform her top priority. Due to her leadership, the 2018 Farm Bill more than doubled funding for organic research, created the first federal produce prescription program, and established the first federal local food program with permanent funding. This year, Chellie is focused on the intersection of climate change and agriculture with the introduction of the Agriculture Resilience Act, comprehensive legislation highlighting opportunities for farmers to be an integral part of the climate solution.