Amy Berman

Senior Program Officer, The John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc.

Amy Berman is a Senior Program Officer with The John A. Hartford Foundation. She works on the Foundation's development and dissemination of innovative, cost-effective models of care that improve health outcomes for older adults. Among these efforts, Dr. Berman is responsible for the Foundation's work to advance Age-Friendly Health Systems, led by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, in partnership with the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association of the United States. She also leads many of the Foundation's efforts focused on Serious Illness and End of Life including efforts to support palliative care. Dr. Berman openly shares her experiences living with Stage IV breast cancer. She has testified before the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging and has authored numerous pieces about her health care choices, palliative care and implications for patients, practice and policy. Her piece in Health Affairs, 'Living Life In My Own Way--And Dying That Way As Well,' was among the journal's most read in 2012. She has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, and on NPR's Diane Rehm Show.