Jenny Lee is a Managing Partner at GGV Capital and is best known for investing at the front of innovation, being the first VC to invest in flying cars. Similarly, her lifelong passion for gaming led to investments in the metaverse and desire to help tackle food insecurity around the world has led to many investments in foodtech and sustainability. Her portfolio includes 17 companies valued at more than $1 billion. She has had eight IPOs in the last five years, including two in 2021 across the NYSE, Nasdaq, ChiNext, HKSE, and SSE STAR Market exchanges, and numerous portfolio companies exits via M&A. Jenny has been named to the Forbes Midas list of to 100 global VCs for 12 consecutive years, and is the first woman to break the top 10. She is a highly respected member of the Singapore business community, serving on the boards of Temasek, SATS Ltd and Singapore’s Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council (RIEC), which is chaired by Singapore’s prime minister. Jenny launched GGV’s first office in China in 2005 and reopened the firm’s Singapore office in 2019. She also leads the firm’s USD fundraising activities.