
Srikanya Yathip

Secretary General, Government Pension Fund, Thailand

Prior to joining Government Pension Fund (Thailand) or GPF, Dr. Srikanya spent more than 10 years studying and working in Japan and the United Kingdom. She joined GPF in 2010 and was appointed Secretary General in 2020. Dr. Srikanya is at the forefront of responsible investing in Thailand. She introduced her vision that GPF should become the leader in ESG investing and initiatives in Thailand in 2019. Her successes include integrating PRI’s ESG integration framework and OECD’s responsible business conduct into GPF’s investment process. She has also headed development of ESG valuation framework, formula and methodology – the project that got technical assistance from the World Bank. Moving GPF ahead towards SDG, she has initiated the revision of Strategic Asset Allocation of GPS to include both an investment paradigm shift and SDG compliance. Her current project, through cooperation with UN Financial Initiatives, is developing the Human Rights heatmap and common Human Rights integration framework for the Thai capital market. 


Event Panel

Navigating Credit Market Headwinds
