Middle East and Africa Summit 2024

From Baku to Brazil: Investor Leadership to Build Market Resilience (Invite only)


The impacts of climate change, already apparent around the globe, are heightening the occurrence of extreme weather events and natural disasters affecting vulnerable communities. Currently, less than 10 percent of global climate finance is directed toward investment in adaptation and resilience. An immediate imperative would shift funding toward co-investment strategies to link mitigation and resilience, support frontline communities internationally, and scale up needed public and private investment in resilience and adaptation. Such a move would prevent trillions of dollars in losses and forestall the necessity of choosing among resilience, adaptation, and mitigation in the future. This private session will explore how investors can work singly and together to accelerate investable flows for resilience, adaptation, and natural infrastructure in Brazil and the Amazon, as models for success in other emerging markets over the coming decade: 2025-2035. 



    Dan Carol

    Senior Director, MI Finance, Milken Institute



    Ben Barry

    Senior Managing Director, Macquarie Asset Management

    Sergio Gusmão Suchodolski

    Executive Vice President, VR Investiments; Milken Institute Senior Fellow

    Sidney Leon Romeiro

    Ambassador of Brazil to the UAE

    Andre Soares

    Chief, Office of the President, Inter-American Development Bank

    Tom Steyer

    Co-Executive Chair, Galvanize Climate Solutions