Research Department

Weighing Solutions to Obesity

This report, an overview of studies on prevention and intervention, serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in programs for obesity reduction and weight loss. After sorting through thousands of potentially relevant papers...
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Health and the Gender Gap

In this discussion paper on social and regional factors in well-being, Milken Institute Health Economist Ken Sagynbekov examines gender-based health disparities across U.S. regions. He assesses the role of social and economic influences on...
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Companies Rush to Go Private

Private capital markets have become a favored alternative source of company financing. In addition, private equity firms have become more innovative in developing options for financing the growth of small and emerging firms, and converting...
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The Costs of Chronic Disease in the U.S.

Americans' chronic health problems and diseases not only come at the expense of individuals well-being, they also constitute a massive burden on the U.S. economy. When including the costs of lost economic productivity, the total costs of...
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The Crypto-Assets Experience

This paper was originally published as part of T20 ARGENTINA. Crypto-Assets (CA) are digital instruments aimed to serve as mediums of exchange that rely on decentralized control and boast the (yet to prove) promise of a revolution in...
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