
A Primer and Perspective on Ginnie Mae

Several housing finance reform models, including the Treasury and HUD plans recently issued at the direction of the White House, support an expanded role for Ginnie Mae in the future housing finance system. Understanding Ginnie Mae’s...
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Private Equity IPOs: Generating Faster Job Growth and More Investment

Private-equity firms have become an increasingly important source of funds for financing US companies. Private-equity firms make investment decisions that can brighten or darken the economic outlook of the communities in which their...
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Smiling medium-skinned, male-presenting individual with short dark hair wearing a suit

William Lee

Chief Economist
William (Bill) Lee is chief economist at the Milken Institute. He leads the Institute’s effort to develop collaborative policies to improve access to and the functioning of capital markets, strengthen financial stability and the soundness of financial institutions, and foster global macroeconomic, financial, and regulatory conditions to bolster job creation.
A male outside checking propogated plants

Family Businesses: Redefining for the Future

Asia’s growing economic power, growing consumer base, and digital innovations are redefining the region’s relationship with the rest of the world. While rising economic prosperity creates market opportunities for Asian businesses, new...
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A medium-skinned male with black and gray hair and beard wearing a navy suit jacket and white button-up shirt against a light gray background

Anoop Sagoo

Group Operating Officer—Growth Markets, Accenture

Asian Consumers Will Redefine the World

Pocketbooks, not politics, will help Asia influence economies around the world. The region’s sway will come from the oncoming wave of consumers it’s unleashing upon global markets. But increased consumption is only the initial impact...
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A smiling light-skinned male with white hair wearing glasses and a black suit and tie against a blurred background

Bob Baur

Chief Global Economist, Principal Global Investors

The Three Megatrends Reshaping Asia and Our World

For the past five years, PGIM has brought together our leading investors to debate the megatrends reshaping global markets. One consistent strand links this body of research: Asia remains the bellwether for the most promising opportunities...
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A male-presenting individual of Asian heritage wearing glasses and a dark suit jacket against a cream background

Taimur Hyat

Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Marketing and External Relations, PGIM