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Geo-Economics Initiative

Public Finance
Geo-Economics Initiative


The Milken Institute’s Geo-Economics Initiative helps policy, business, and civil society leaders navigate the rapidly evolving global economic landscape. NGI focuses on three priority areas: harnessing innovation, catalyzing climate finance, and rewiring globalization. The Initiative leverages the Milken Institute’s expertise, global reach and networks of private investors and community partners to create pro-active strategies for the new era of disruptions and advance sustainable and equitable market-based solutions to pressing US and global challenges. 

Priority Areas

The Geo-Economics Initiative is uniquely positioned to help business, government, philanthropy, and community leaders navigate global transformations. The Initiative works with resilience-minded leaders to develop the insights, tools, and mechanisms required to make sound investment and policy decisions. It helps governments unlock private sector capital, investors navigate the emerging landscape, and communities attract investment to advance sustainable solutions.

Geo-Economics Initiative focus areas include:

Innovating the Future
Global prosperity is increasing through technology and globalization, but many communities have been left behind while some civic institutions have weakened. Emerging technologies like AI could either accelerate inequality and polarization or they could be a key tool to unlock societal advancement and individual opportunity. The Initiative is focused on necessary innovation for future growth and competitiveness that will help usher in a new era of human development that leads to breakthroughs in tailored education, gov-tech, and civic engagement.

Bolstering Climate Resilience
The race to decarbonize the global economy depends on the success of efforts to unlock and mobilize trillions of dollars to finance climate mitigation and adaptation, especially for the countries and populations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The Initiative is partnering with stakeholders at the local, national, and global levels to build innovative mechanisms to accelerate public, private and philanthropic climate investment at scale.

Rewiring Trade and Supply Chains
Geopolitics, technology, and climate change are among the forces rewiring globalization across regions and industries. These dynamics are disrupting established relationships and creating new opportunities for integration. The Initiative works with public and private sector leaders to understand these trends, build resilience and competitiveness in critical sectors, and advance reforms to the international economic system to meet contemporary challenges.

Contact Us

To learn more about the initiative, email Rachel Fox Smothermon at [email protected].

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