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Lunch Plenary | Lessons Learned: Policy for Economic Recovery in the Post-Pandemic Era

Thursday, January 12, 2023
Lunch Plenary | Lessons Learned: Policy for Economic Recovery in the Post-Pandemic Era
2023 Public Finance Forum
2023 Public Finance Forum

Lunch Plenary | Lessons Learned: Policy for Economic Recovery in the Post-Pandemic Era

Thursday, January 12, 2023
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM EST
Park Hyatt Washington, DC - Gallery Ballroom

Soon it will be three years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet global economic recovery keeps stalling. Just a few of the challenges ahead are high inflation rates, the need to provide a social safety net, and employment. Other looming issues for which solutions are bound to be less than popular include tax reforms, price hikesand so on and on. Get the inside story from a conversation between fiscal and monetary policy experts who will open your eyes and ears to the ins and outs of sovereign debt and the importance of bridging social inequalities. 

Introductory Remarks
Michael Piwowar
Executive Vice President, MI Finance, Milken Institute
David Malpass
President, World Bank Group
Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute