News Release

Milken Institute COVID-19 Tracker Update Identifies More than 100 Vaccines and Nearly 200 Treatments in Development

Nine vaccines and more than 50 treatment candidates currently in clinical trials.

WASHINGTON – Monday, May, 4 2020 – The Milken Institute COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker has identified more than 111 vaccines and 197 treatments in the pipeline to treat and prevent COVID-19. This is an increase from the 55 treatments and 38 vaccine candidates identified when the Institute first started tracking treatments and vaccines in early March.

Of these, nine vaccines and more than 50 treatments currently are in clinical trials. These include the RECOVERY study, the World Health Organization’s Solidarity Study, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial, and the REMAP-CAP trial.

“I am encouraged by the accelerated process in developing these treatments and vaccines that traditionally take years,” said Esther Krofah, executive director of FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute. “It is promising to see the collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry, academia, and research organizations driving progress at this scale."

A new, interactive version of the tracker makes the data searchable and sortable. Graphics capture the progress made, and the raw data can also be downloaded offline in a useable spreadsheet format. The tracker is updated regularly.

The COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker is produced and maintained by FasterCures, with input from its Advisory Council, which includes three former FDA chiefs, a Nobel Laureate biologist, and key industry leaders. The information is compiled by publicly-available information from validated sources.

The Milken Institute welcomes input on new vaccines and treatments in development. Please email [email protected] to contact the research team.