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Seen as a monolith, emerging-market economies are expected to continue to grow at over four percent in coming years. But within the EM ecosystem, divergent growth stories have emerged. China, India, and countries within Southeast Asia, Latin America, and other regions present vastly different risks and opportunities. This session will dive into the attractions and drawbacks of specific markets, looking ahead to 2018 and beyond. Where will investors find yield in the year to come? What dangers lie in their path?


Staci Warden, Executive Director, Center for Financial Markets, Milken Institute


David Bohigian, Executive Vice President, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)

Scott Mackin, Co-President and Managing Partner, Denham Capital

Arvind Rajan, Managing Director and Head of Global and Macro, PGIM Fixed Income

Nicolas Rohatyn, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, The Rohatyn Group

Sev Vettivetpillai, Managing Partner, The Abraaj Group