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More than a year after the election of Donald Trump, much of the political world in United States has turned upside-down, while financial markets seem to have turned ever-upwards. What has the record of rhetoric versus fact been for policy making in the areas of free-trade, globalization, and security relationships? And what are the economic prospects for the U.S. in the coming year, especially in light of corporate tax reform and a major deregulatory push by the administration?


Philippa Thomas, Senior Presenter and Correspondent, BBC World News


Jonathan Blair, Co-Chair and UK Managing Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson

Ross DeVol, Walton Fellow, Walton Family Foundation

Tony Fratto, Founder and Partner, Hamilton Place Strategies; Former Deputy Press Secretary, The White House

Steve Krouskos, Global Vice Chair, Transaction Advisory Services, EY

William Lee, Chief Economist, Milken Institute