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Mexico and the United States have long been key trading partners, a relationship cemented by the North American Free Trade Agreement. Since that pact was signed, however, and especially in the last five years, Mexico has transformed itself into a leading manufacturer, global trader, and international investor. Our southern neighbor has diversified far beyond agriculture and oil, climbing the industrial food chain into electronics, aerospace and automobiles. Some Mexican firms have acquired companies in other countries, including the U.S. Yet Mexico's well-known troubles remain unsolved, particularly the chronic instability along the border and an unbalanced pattern of regional development. Our panel will explore the close commercial ties between our nations, Mexico's increasing economic power and how it can bring broader prosperity to its people.

Moderator: León Krauze
Speakers: Alberto Gómez Alcalá, Marcela Meirelles, Enrique Perret, Jaana Remes