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Few issues spawn as much cultural, political, and social division in American society as do guns and the Second Amendment. And yet, at a time in our national evolution in which the horror of mass shootings has become routine, it is imperative that we begin talking, intelligently and collaboratively, about ending that horror. If we believe that thoughtful, influential leaders can and should be willing to engage in a civilized dialogue on how to best reduce gun violence in our country while also preserving the constitutional rights of responsible gun owners, here is where that very nonpartisan, very difficult, and absolutely imperative conversation can begin.

Frank Luntz, Founder and President, Luntz Global

Stephen Benjamin, Mayor, Columbia, S.C.; Vice President, U.S. Conference of Mayors
John Hickenlooper, Governor, Colorado
Rick Snyder, Governor, Michigan
Daniel Webster, Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research