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Superbugs: Avoiding an Existential Threat to Humanity

Superbugs: Avoiding an Existential Threat to Humanity

Antibiotic-resistant infections kill about 33,000 Europeans annually. By 2050, as many as 90,000 Britons may die from related causes. These growing numbers point to alarming economic and social costs. What strategies can we use to minimize the use of antibiotics in both hospitals and farms to halt the rise of superbugs? And what are the most hopeful biotech efforts in the works today?


Esther Krofah

Senior Director, FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute



Valeria Bortolaia

Senior Researcher, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark


Ron Daniels

CEO, UK Sepsis Trust


Peter Jackson

Executive Director, AMR Centre


Peter Piot

Director and Handa Professor of Global Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
