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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Smart on Science: How Today's Patients Are Driving Cures

Smart on Science: How Today's Patients Are Driving Cures

Though the needs and preferences of consumers dictate the course of almost every other industry, health care is one of the last major sectors to benefit from user-centered design. But the sands are shifting. Tremendous momentum is gathering as industry, government, academia and disease groups all work together to ensure that what patients want, and the risks and tradeoffs they're willing to accept, is reflected in the research, the medical product marketplace and the health-care delivery system. Learn about the science of patient input, and how it is improving health care, from a panel of patients, policymakers and industry leaders.

Moderator: Kim McCleary
Speakers: Tony Coles, Louis DeGennaro, Bray Patrick-Lake, Mace Rothenberg, Joe Selby