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Medical and recreational cannabis sales in the United States and Canada continue to soar. American retail sales of legal cannabis products totaled $7.9 billion in 2017, and estimates predict the industry may grow to $24.1 billion by 2025. However, some think the ancillary ecosystem—companies that support the broader industry without actually "touching the plant"—hold the greatest investment potential. Payroll, packaging, and insurance industries, for instance, are key links in the cannabis food chain and may provide opportunities for investors without the worry of direct state or federal intervention.

Karan Wadhera
Managing Partner, Casa Verde Capital

Mike Harden
Founder, Big Rock

Ben Kovler
Founder and Chairman, Green Thumb Industries (GTI); Chief Investment Officer, Kovpak II, LLC

Bharat Vasan

Jeff Wells
President and CEO, Franwell, Inc.