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This session will examine the ongoing monetary policy experiment and the tools that remain available for future interventions. Participants will compare international efforts to create credit and discuss the circumstances around their success or failure. Potential questions:

What can central banks do to support investment?
What effect is low productivity having on monetary policy?
How does technology factor into the monetary policy equation?
Will central banks cooperate with one another?

Sebastian Mallaby, Senior Fellow for International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations

Matt Freund, Co-Chief Investment Officer, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, Calamos Investments
Emanuel Friedman, CEO and Co-Chief Investment Officer, EJF Capital LLC
William Lee, Chief Economist, Milken Institute
Seema Shah, Global Investment Strategist, Principal Global Investors
John Taylor, Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics, Stanford University; George P. Schultz Senior Fellow in Economics, Hoover Institution