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Some argue that the free-enterprise system has been the greatest engine of economic development the world has ever known, lifting more people out of poverty and providing a higher standard of living than any other economic model. Free-enterprise detractors argue that the system contributes to income and wealth inequality and is therefore inferior to models where the fruits of human innovation and labor are shared more equitably. This longstanding debate is particularly relevant today as voters in nations around the world are often being asked to choose among candidates with strong convictions—and agendas—in one direction or the other. This year's final lunch plenary will explore the future of the free enterprise system.


Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute



Niall Ferguson
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University


Soraya Hakuziyaremye
Cabinet Minister of Trade and Industry, Rwanda


Paul Hawken
Founder, Project Drawdown; Author, "Drawdown"


Kerry Healey
President, Babson College; Former Lieutenant Governor, Massachusetts


Terry McAuliffe
Former Governor of Virginia