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Innovators and entrepreneurs have the opportunity and responsibility to reinvent the food system. We are in the midst of a food revolution that could yield healthier and more accessible food options for people all over the world—no matter what their socioeconomic status may be. What are the most beneficial ways that technology can help coordinate and advance the agro-food chain—from the production of alternative proteins to new methods of food distribution and preservation, and on? How must "Big Food" and new smaller companies work together? What are realistic goals for the next five years?

Mehmet Oz
Host, "The Dr. Oz Show"; Professor of Surgery, Columbia University

Matt Barnard
CEO and Co-Founder, Plenty, Inc.

Nicolas Jammet
Co-Founder and Chief Concept Officer, Sweetgreen

James Rogers
CEO, Apeel

Tina Sharkey
CEO and Co-Founder, Brandless