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From 2010 to 2016, Indonesia grew its economy from the 27th largest to the 16th largest in the world, and is pushing to be in the top 10 by 2030. The current administration is taking purposeful strides to implement policies to address the country's complex infrastructure, economic, social, and environmental needs. At the same time, the private sector continues to rapidly transform the country's growth sectors, from fintech and e-commerce to real estate and healthcare. But achieving greater growth will require additional investments in technology and human capital, heightened productivity, increased trade flows, and further foreign investment. This panel gathers Indonesia's government and business leaders to discuss the opportunities of "Making Indonesia 4.0".



Dino Patti Djalal, Asia Fellow, Milken Institute; Founder, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia



Thomas Lembong, Chairman, Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board

Noni Purnomo, President Director, Blue Bird Group Holding

John Riady, Director, Lippo Group

William Tanuwijaya, Founder and CEO, Tokopedia

Patrick Walujo, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Northstar Group