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Properly invested, philanthropic capital can reap world-changing dividends. Witness the Green Revolution, polio near-eradication, ubiquitous fintech platforms like M-PESA, transformative educational content like Sesame Street and breakthrough medications such as Kalydeco. As we adjust to the complexities of the 21st century, the philanthropic sector has been working alongside government and business to innovate new tools and perspectives that can reconfigure how philanthropic capital can be better deployed to maximize return. This session will showcase promising solutions being advanced across a range of sectors and geographies, including mission-related investments, social impact bonds, venture philanthropy, outcome-sensitive metrics, and public-private partnerships.



Melissa Stevens, Executive Director, Center for Strategic Philanthropy, Milken Institute


Joe Cerrell, Managing Director, Global Policy and Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Madeleine Clarke, Chair, European Venture Philanthropy Association; Executive Director, Genio

Johan Eliasch, Chairman and CEO, Head N.V.; Former Special Representative to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Igor Tulchinsky, Founder, Chairman and CEO, WorldQuant LLC