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Mental health and substance abuse have been identified as the leading cause of disability worldwide. It's estimated that more than 1 billion people globally—one in five or six people—struggle with a mental-health, neurodevelopmental, or substance-abuse disorder. The cost to society in treatment and lost productivity has been estimated at $16 trillion by 2030. Mental health issues are a co-morbid condition with virtually every other disease and ought to unify the agendas of advocates across the ecosystem. So why don't we seem to be making much progress in solving them?


Annalisa Jenkins

Special Advisor, FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute



Timothy Blevins

Senior Vice President, Behavioral Health Employer Channel, Optum


David Panzirer

Trustee, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust


Moitreyee Sinha

Founder and CEO, citiesRISE


Garen Staglin

Co-Founder, One Mind Initiative


Michael Turken

Medical Director, Omada Health