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To maximize our own individual potential, what lessons can we learn from truly exceptional performers—the best of the best in sport, business, the military, the arts, and beyond? This master class in exceeding one's self-prescribed limits will investigate the physical, emotional, and cognitive tools that elite performers and coaches use to create extraordinary results, regardless of industry or profession.

Jared Carney
Founder and CEO, Lightdale, LLC

Jurgen Heitmann
Director of Performance, Arena Labs Inc.; Former Special Operations Commander; Former Deputy Director for Military Affairs, Counterterrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency

Alison Levine
Team Captain, First American Women's Everest Expedition; New York Times bestselling Author; Former Adjunct Instructor, U.S. Military Academy

Vivienne Ming
Co-Founder and Executive Chair, Socos Labs

Andy Walshe
Human Performance Expert; Former Director of High Performance, Red Bull; Advisor, DARPA