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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Financial Regulation in the 21st Century: Risks, Challenges and Opportunities

Financial Regulation in the 21st Century: Risks, Challenges and Opportunities

Nearly a decade after the global financial crisis, the new administration and Congress have promised to roll back some or make material changes to some of the reforms introduced in that period. As a result, the debate over the proper structure of financial regulation has begun anew. Watch our panelists address what changes are warranted to protect the financial system while allowing more robust economic growth.


Josh Barro, Senior Editor, Business Insider


Patrick Cronin, CEO, BMO Capital Markets

Robert Lavet, General Counsel, SoFi 

Barbara Novick, Vice Chairman, BlackRock

Mike Sommers, President and CEO, American Investment Council

Neal Wolin, Former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary; Senior Counselor, Brunswick
