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In the era of low oil prices, access to foreign direct investment (FDI) is critical to the region. As the investment disruptions caused by the Arab Spring fade, foreign investment is returning to the MENA region, with a wide array of major projects in the works. This panel will discuss the key role that capital markets and financial infrastructure plays in not only attracting FDI but also creating solutions to the regional challenges. 


What industries in MENA are ripe for international investors? What political or reputational risk factors are considered impacts on local development efforts and economic growth?


John Burbank, Founder, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager, Passport Capital



Sarah Al Suhaimi, CEO, NCB Capital; Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Tadawul

Miguel Azevedo, Head of Investment Banking, Middle East and Africa, Citigroup

Rayan Fayez, CEO, Savola Group

Rishi Kapoor, Co-CEO, Investcorp Bank