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Hedge funds have had their best start to a year since the financial crisis, when investors pulled out $112 billion. During this change in the tides, what are the latest strategies hedge funds can add to their toolkits? What are specific examples of how new technologies, including data analytics, have transformed strategies? What is the future of fee structures, since managers have implemented new terms for certain clients? And what aspect of hedge funds do managers believe asset owners most frequently misunderstand? How can funds retain and attract top talent?

Erik Schatzker
Editor-at-Large, Bloomberg Television

Dmitry Balyasny
Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Balyasny Asset Management

Andrew Feldstein
CEO and Chief Investment Officer, BlueMountain Capital Management

Dawn Fitzpatrick
Chief Investment Officer, Soros Fund Management

Ricky Sandler
Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Eminence Capital