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Uncertainty has certainly rocked the boat globally this year, and provocative economic and political policy coming from the White House is sending other global powers looking for stability elsewhere. Nowhere has this been more prevalent than between Europe and Asia - where it seems the only border between the two is that lying across the Ural Mountains. It does seem, however, that with Belt and Road Initiative and the Nuremberg Declaration tying the knot between the two regions, the future of the partnership is promising. On this Europe in Focus panel, we have political and economic heavy-weights from both Europe and Asia discussing the future between the regions, and how the unpredictability of worldwide international relations will mold their future relationship.



Henny Sender, Chief Correspondent, International Finance, Financial Times



François Fillon, Former Prime Minister of France; Senior Partner, Tikehau Capital

Lord Mandelson Chairman, Global Counsel; Former European Trade Commissioner and British First Secretary of State

David Mann Global Chief Economist, Standard Chartered Bank

Kotaro Tamura Asia Fellow, Milken Institute; Chairman, Japan Intelligence Initiative; Former Senator and Parliamentary Secretary for Economic and Fiscal Policy, Japan