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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Demystifying Millennials

Demystifying Millennials

Meet the millennials--though you probably won't do that at the mall. They tend to like their commerce digital, along with much of their social lives. This giant cohort born between 1980 and 2000, about 80 million strong in the United States, is viewed as hard to market to. Indeed, millennials are tough customers compared to baby boomers and Gen X. Why? They're widely eclectic in their tastes and impossible to pigeonhole. They want their opinions heard and their influence felt, including by the companies they buy from. And they are known for collecting experiences rather than investing in things, which may be partly explained by Gen-Xers having to wait for boomers to retire before getting their careers in gear. Even so, millennials represent the fastest-growing segment of today's workforce and are building massive spending power. How do we sell to, manage and motivate this new breed? How can they be integrated into a multigenerational organization? We'll discuss their habits and attitudes, explore their preferred modes of communication and answer the trillion-dollar question: What do millennials want?

Moderator: Lori Kozlowski
Speakers: David D. Burstein, Christie Garton, Meabh Quoirin, Matthew Segal
