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In the eyes of top executives, their job is to imagine the future and work towards making that imagined future a reality. Many of the largest companies in the world are intent on embracing change and building pathways that lead to a robust workforce, innovation and job creation. Corporate leaders must pursue and encourage growth while also promoting values that reach beyond the bottom line.

How do business leaders build and drive the workforce of the future? 
Change can be an amorphous concept; how should corporations define and pursue it? 
What are the most effective ways for CEOs and other top executives to combine growth and purpose to reflect workforce and corporate values and culture?

Andy Serwer, Editor-in-Chief, Yahoo Finance

John Chambers, Executive Chairman, Cisco
Denise Morrison, President and CEO, Campbell Soup Company
Tim Sloan, CEO and President, Wells Fargo & Co.
Mark Weinberger, Global Chairman and CEO, EY
Devin Wenig, President and CEO, eBay Inc.