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As Great Britain's political turmoil burdens its efforts to leave Europe, the E.U., sensing an advantage, is refusing to begin Brexit trade talks, and the United States, distracted by the glitter of inward-looking nationalism, is no longer a beacon of trans-Atlantic leadership. Britain's economy, Europe's viability and potentially tens of thousands of Brexit-impacted jobs and citizen rights are at stake. Which side emerges from the maelstrom stronger, and what should we expect in the year ahead, at what cost?

Welcome Remarks:

Michael Klowden, CEO, Milken Institute


Stephanie Flanders, Senior Executive Editor, Bloomberg; Head, Bloomberg Economics


Tina Fordham, Managing Director and Chief Global Political Analyst, Citi

Lord Mandelson, Chairman, Global Counsel; Former European Trade Commissioner and British First Secretary of State

Michael O'Sullivan, Chief Investment Officer, International Wealth Management, Credit Suisse

Michal Tomasz Krupinski, CEO, Bank Pekao SA; Former Undersecretary of State Treasury, Poland

Mark Wilson, Group Chief Executive Officer, Aviva