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Grand multilateral trade deals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership are things of the past, but international trade--and the need for modernization to meet the current and evolving challenges involved--remains of paramount importance. Private-sector leaders, policy experts, and foreign dignitaries will discuss how the rules of California-Asia trade are changing and the strategies being created in response.

How will new patterns of trade and policy affect the world's busiest ports and the economies that rely upon them?
Will the decline of multilateral trade give rise to a new trade superpower?
How will the Pacific Rim countries collaborate and compete in the changing political environment?

Kevin Klowden, Executive Director, California Center, and Managing Economist, Milken Institute

Fred Hochberg, Former Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
Elise Huang, CEO, Noah US LLC; Managing Partner, Gopher Asset Management
Pradeep Khosla, Chancellor, University of California, San Diego
Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to the United States