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The Breckoning: The Endgame for Great Britain and Europe in 2019

The Breckoning: The Endgame for Great Britain and Europe in 2019

On March 29, 2019, at 11 p.m. GMT, Great Britain will officially leave the European Union. But the two sides have yet to finalize the grand deals that will define their epochal split. Prime Minister May has proposed a "managed divergence" from E.U. rules, retaining certain economic policies and scrapping others. Meanwhile, the Europeans are taking a tough line on trade. Given that all free-trade rules are, essentially, bespoke, is Britain's approach all that demanding? How are negotiations likely to turn out, and in whose favor?

Anatole Kaletsky, Economic Commentator, Project Syndicate; Co-Chairman, Gavekal Dragonomics

Peter Beyer, Member, German Bundestag (Christian Democratic Union)
Sir Michael Hintze, AM, GCSG Founder, Chief Executive and Senior Investment Officer, CQS
Michał Krupiński CEO, Bank Pekao SA; Former Undersecretary of State Treasury, Poland
Lord Mandelson Co-Founder and Chairman, Global Counsel; Former European Trade Commissioner and British First Secretary of State
