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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Asia's Power Plays: The Economics of Geopolitics

Asia's Power Plays: The Economics of Geopolitics

Globalization and economic interdependence among Asia's countries rest precariously on increasingly tense geopolitical relations and competing security interests, including the North Korean nuclear threat, the China-India border standoff, and escalating tensions in the South China Sea. As a region, the Asia-Pacific presents the largest source of global economic growth and possesses tremendous business potential in the next ten to 20 years, more so if financial and economic markets are further integrated. But governments and businesses are cognizant that geopolitical tensions may put a damper on these opportunities.


Prerna Suri, Broadcast Journalist


Karen Brooks, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia, Council on Foreign Relations

Curtis S. Chin, Asia Fellow, Milken Institute; Former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank

Evan Medeiros, Managing Director, Asia, Eurasia Group

Michael W. Michalak, SVP and Regional Managing Director, US-ASEAN Business Council, Inc.; Former U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam

Yasuhide Nakayama, Member, House of Representatives, Japan; Former State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan
