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From Tel Aviv and Palo Alto to New York and London, environmental innovations have come in spades. These new advancements have been effective in countering climate change alongside their potential to improve corporate bottom lines. As we enter the next generation of energy infrastructure, how can investments in innovation and climate change technologies be catalyzed? How are tools like the SDGs supporting the private sector when making core business decisions related to their environmental and social impact?



Spyros Kouvelis, Senior Expert, Sustainable Development & Circular Economy, UN Environment Programme-MAP; Former Vice-Minister for Foreign Economic, Environmental and Cultural Affairs, Greece


Gísli Hauksson, Co-Founder, Chairman, Group CEO and CIO, GAMMA Capital Management Ltd

Richard Mattison, CEO, Trucost; Member, EU Sustainable Finance High Level Expert Group

Sabrina McCormick, Associate Professor, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University; Lead Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Alisa Swidler, Trustee, Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project; Advisor, I Am Eco Warrior and The Captain Planet Foundation