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Infrastructure for Tomorrow: Emerging Technologies for Climate Action

Infrastructure for Tomorrow: Emerging Technologies for Climate Action

September 28, 5:30 PM- 6:30 PM (SGT/HKT)

Global warming has significantly impacted the world economy: heatwaves and droughts, floods, disruption in agricultural production, the list goes on. Countries have been focusing rightfully on climate change mitigation, including noble efforts around carbon neutrality. However, climate change adaptation is an equally important component, which attracts disproportionate attention and resources, especially in Asia where it is needed most. Since climate change has already caused real substantial losses to businesses and communities globally, it is critical for both the public and private sectors to recognize the irreversible damage, and to identify and develop technologies for countries to enhance resilience and help populations adapt to a new environment.  


Sir Danny Alexander
Vice President, Policy and Strategy, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Jay L. Koh
Co-Founder and Managing Director, The Lightsmith Group

Wymen Chan
Managing Director at SUSI Partners AG, Head of SUSI Asia Energy Transition Fund

Oriel Morrison
Founder, Kaida Corp
