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September 30 at 9:00 am SGT | Global Investment Outlook

September 30 at 9:00 am SGT | Global Investment Outlook

The interconnectedness of world financial systems has brought tremendous benefits, helping to grow economies and improve livelihoods. But it also means that markets are more sensitive to manmade and natural disruptions outside their region—from extreme weather events to violent cross-border conflicts. With global events increasingly unpredictable, are capital markets entering a period of prolonged volatility? Can digitalization and new financial tools help manage uncertainties? How are leaders preparing for tomorrow's world heightened risk?


Susan Li
Business Correspondent, Fox Business Network


Andrew Cross
Chief Financial Officer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Jeff Gardner
Senior Portfolio Strategist, Bridgewater Associates

Jon Nielsen
Managing Director and Group Chief Financial Officer, FWD Group

Rohit Sipahimalani
Chief Investment Officer, Temasek
