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October 18 at 5:00 pm PDT /8:00 pm EDT

Asset managers, and private markets investors in particular, historically have not been poster children for diversity. Recent research confirms that ethnic minorities and women are still under-represented to a large extent. Yet the industry understands better than most the power of diversity, both in terms of portfolio allocation and as a major employer in the global economy. What are the signs that diversity efforts are reaching a tipping point in asset management? And what are the models that work? How can we continue to promote—and, more importantly, accelerate—the goal of an equitable future? And is there a way we can harness the momentum of our times to use finance for good?

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


Richard Ditizio
President and Chief Operating Officer, Milken Institute


Jill Granoff
Managing Partner and CEO, Eurazeo Brands

Renee Noto
Partner and President, Brightstar Capital Partners

Charles Phillips
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Recognize

Gina Sanchez
CEO, Chantico Global; Independent Board Member, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association