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From Buzzwords to Action: Tackling Social Determinants of Health

From Buzzwords to Action: Tackling Social Determinants of Health

June 23 at 6:00 am PDT / 9:00 am EDT

The great disparities in public health outcomes due to race, class, and location have been brought center stage as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are now more aware than ever of the importance of the social determinants of health—an individual's social and economic conditions including housing status, job security, and social mobility—as structural drivers of health equity. Too many of the efforts designed to address these inequities have been siloed, underfunded, or lack enforcement. How do we move past buzzword-filled conversations to merge a cohesive policy agenda with actionable solutions that have health equity at their core? How do we fund these efforts and evaluate success? Panelists will provide multiple perspectives on implementing more effective public health policies, examining the important roles played by poverty, racial disparities, and social inequality in effecting outcomes.


Errin Haines
Editor-at-Large, The 19th News


Rebekah Gee
CEO, LSU Healthcare Services; Clinical Associate Professor, LSU Schools of Public Health and Medicine

Rachel Levine
Assistant Secretary for Health, US Department of Health and Human Services

Judith Monroe
President and CEO, CDC Foundation

Melicia Whitt-Glover
Executive Director, Council on Black Health; President and CEO, Gramercy Research Group


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