
Legislative Approaches to Housing Finance Reform

By the standards of the contemporary American political system, proposals to reform the U.S. housing finance system moved relatively far through the legislative process in 2013 and 2014, with different bills receiving positive votes in...
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Innovative Finance to Address Africa’s Infrastructure Needs

As of 2015, African state governments had financed infrastructure development on their balance sheets alone, resulting in slower progress constrained by budgetary restrictions. In many regions across the African continent, the poor state of...
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Smiling light-skinned, female-presenting individual with long blonde hair wearing a black shirt on a brown backdrop.

Caitlin MacLean

Senior Director, Innovative Finance, Milken Institute Finance
Caitlin MacLean is a senior director on the innovative finance team at the Milken Institute. She oversees the research, development, execution, and follow-up of our Financial Innovations Labs, which promote financial solutions to overcome economic and social challenges.