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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Olivier Gui

Olivier Gui

CEO, Africa Link Capital Titrisation
Olivier Gui
Olivier GUI currently holds the position of Managing Director of ALC Titrisation, a securitization fund management company licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CREPMF), member of Africa Link Capital Group (ALC Group). In this role Olivier is responsible for originating, executing, and managing debt securitization transactions as well as promoting the use of securitization as effective financing instruments within the Franc CFA zone. He joined ALC Titrisation, as the Head of Operations responsible for developing the securitization hub of ALC Group. To date, ALC Titristation is the sole licensed entity that has been able to successfully close four (4) securitization transactions amounting to FCFA 105 Billion (EUR 160 million) for three different issuers operating in various sectors (financial services and energy). Olivier holds a master’s degree in Accounting and Finance (MSTCF) from the University of Cocody-Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire. His previous position was with the investment bank hub of ALC Group where he started his career in 2007 initially as a financial analyst and grew the ladders to be appointed Head of operations in 2014. In this role, Olivier was responsible for executing project and corporate finance transactions across several sectors including power, oil & gas, real estate, agro-industry, transport and logistics as well as financial services.