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Meeting the Needs? The Inequity of Digital Health

2022 Future of Health Summit

Meeting the Needs? The Inequity of Digital Health

Thursday, December 8, 2022
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Salamander Washington DC - Gallery A

The digital health revolution promised to increase access to groundbreaking treatments as it leveled the playing field. However, though biopharma increasingly relies on digital health tools to accelerate innovation, patients are slow to adopt the new tools. Sensors, wearables, and digital therapeutics are frequently inaccessible and unfamiliar to the patients whom such tools are most likely to benefit. Their reluctance further exacerbates health inequities. What means can we use to eliminate infrastructural, institutional, and community-level barriers in order to increase access to, and awareness of, potentially life-enhancing digital health tools? What other barriers to equity need to be demolished, such as lack of access to broadband in under-represented communities? Panelists will discuss the use of digital health technologies and novel tools to address health equity across the R&D ecosystem. 

Jon Fortt
Co-Anchor, TechCheck, CNBC
Irene Dankwa-Mullan
Chief Health Equity Officer, Chief Health Officer, IBM Watson Health
John Doyle
Group Vice President, Exponent
Jennifer Goldsack
CEO, Digital Medicine Society
Lucia Savage
Chief Privacy and Regulatory Officer, Omada Health