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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Competitiveness, Production, and Logistics in a Disrupted World

2020 Milken Institute Global Conference

Competitiveness, Production, and Logistics in a Disrupted World

Thursday, October 15, 2020
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

The concurrent economic and public health crises have provoked new questions about consumer access to key goods and services, including medical supplies and protective equipment. Also of compelling interest is the localizing of production in critically important industries. However, many companies face prohibitively high costs in reorganizing their manufacturing, logistics, and retail operations. How are firms pivoting to cope with challenges to just-in-time production and delivery models? Are certain industries better equipped than others to reconfigure their supply chains? What specific technologies can help manage volatility and ensure that inventory is adequate to meet demand? And are new technologies needed to safeguard national security in essential industries? Experts will explore the "new normal" of this pandemic era and how businesses can adapt and thrive going forward.