Rayana Bou Haka

Manager Country Focus Support and Desk Officer UAE, WHO EMRO

Dr. Rayana Bou Haka has been Manager of Country Focus and Support for the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office/World Health Organization, Cairo since August 2014. CFS is in charge of strategic planning in EMRO, focusing on the strategic planning processes in countries including Country cooperation strategies and the support of WHO programs in countries and the WHO country offices. She is also Desk officer for UAE and Qatar. In this role, she is responsible for strategic, operational planning and implementation of the joint collaboration programs between WHO and each of UAE and Qatar since there is no office managing initiatives and ongoing technical and policy advice and support and liaising for technical support. Some of her previous posts include WHO Representative Djibouti, Medical Officer in Emergency Humanitarian Action Unit and part time officer in Coordination and Resource Mobilization, and Chief of Emergency Operations and Health cluster coordination in WHO Pakistan. She received a Bachelor in Sciences-Biology from American University of Beirut, a Medical Doctorate from American University of Beirut, and a Specialty Diploma in Pediatrics from the American University of Beirut.