Paddy Padmanathan

President and CEO, ACWA Power

Mr. Padmanathan, a professional Civil Engineer with over 40 years of experience, has served ACWA Power from 2005 when it was established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to now, operating in 14 countries with a portfolio of assets of an investment value in excess of USD 50 billion that can generate 34+ GW of power and produce 5.1 million m3 /day of desalinated water delivered on a bulk basis to credit worthy off-takers on long term contracts as a developer owner and operator. While technology neutral and fuel agnostic, the company has consolidated a reputation for driving down the cost of renewable energy on a global scale and thus accelerating the decarbonisation of the power sector and in promoting localisation of technology and industrialisation of the emerging economies in which it invest on the back of implementing such investments. In addition to his leadership role at ACWA Power UK, Mr. Padmanathan serves on the Board of Directors of several power and water service providing companies and Besix, a Belgian engineering and Construction Company operating across the world.