Nico Sell

Executive Chairman, Shuttle; Founder, Wickr

Nico Sell is a professional artist, athlete and entrepreneur based in California. She is executive chairman and/or founder of numerous technology organizations including Shuttle, a space travel agency; Wickr, a messaging app used by spies, activists and teenagers to send self-destructing messages; and r00tz, teaching kids how to hack for good. Nico is on faculty at Singularity University, a World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and cochair of CSIS's CyberPolicy Workforce Acceleration Committee for the 45th Presidency of the United States. She has trained VIPs from the White House, US Congress, Department of Justice, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and World Economic Forum how to hack for good. Nico was the first CEO to publicly say no to an FBI backdoor and encourages every CEO to do the same. She has never participated in social media. However, you can google "nico sell" for her press interviews and public presentations.